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3 Things to Do After a Slip and Fall at Work in Florida

Falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Nobody wakes up in the morning and plans a workplace injury, but you need to know what to do if you slip and fall at work.

After you’re hurt on the job, it’s possible that you’ll be confused. This is why you need a guide in place. It’s also a good idea to contact a slip-and-fall attorney in Miami to help you through this process.

So, keep reading to find out what to do if you slip and fall at work in Florida specifically.

1. Seek Medical Attention

If you get injured at work, the first thing you need to do is seek medical attention. Whether you call 911 or go to the nearest doctor is your own choice, but do not delay this. If the injury isn’t severe, your employers might ask that you see a specific physician to evaluate your injuries, but if you believe the injury needs to be looked at sooner, don’t let anyone convince you to wait.

When you go to the doctor, they’ll evaluate your injury and determine if it’s safe for you to return to work. Make sure you get copies of any tests, evaluations, or scans that the doctor did to ensure you have your own copies.  

2. Document the Scene

You need to make sure you document the scene for future reference. As soon as you’re able, go and take photos of where the accident happened and any obstacles that could be responsible for the fall. You should also get statements from any witnesses.

All this information will be needed when filing for workman’s comp due to a personal injury or if you need to file a claim. It’s also important if you need to file a lawsuit.

It’s important to note that you only have a certain timeframe in which you can make a claim. According to Florida law 95.11(3)(6), the statute of limitations for a slip and fall accident in Florida is four years from the date of the incident. So you have time to consider all your options while you recover from your injury.

3. Inform Your Employer

You should make it a priority to inform your employer as soon as possible that you fell at work. Reporting quickly will ensure the incident is fresh in your mind as well as any coworkers that witnessed the incident.

You also, by law, only have a certain amount of time to report a slip and fall incident if you plan to file for workers’ compensation. This is why it’s crucial that you know what happens if you slip and fall at work.

Slip and Fall at Work in Florida

If you slip and fall at work in Florida, you have to follow the right steps if you want to protect yourself. Even if you don’t end up filing for workers’ compensation, you have to complete all these steps to ensure nobody can accuse you of not following the rules.

If you’ve experienced a slip-and-fall accident at work and require legal representation, contact us ASAP.

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