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Can You Sue Uber for a Car Accident in Miami, FL?

Did you know that Uber drivers don’t undergo any special driver courses like professional chauffeurs do? That means an Uber driver is just as likely to cause an accident as anyone else.

But who pays for damages when an Uber driver causes your accident? Can you sue Uber for an accident through an Uber accident attorney in Miami?

Let’s look at those questions in greater detail so you’ll know what to do if you become the victim of an Uber driver.

What is a No-Fault Insurance State?

The first thing to remember is that Florida is a no-fault state. That means that each driver in an accident must file a claim with their own insurance company.

In Florida, you have to carry at least $10,000 of personal injury protection. So before pursuing a medical claim against the other driver, you must prove that your injuries exceed your insurance coverage.

Medical Claims for Severe Injuries

You can sue the other driver if you have a life-changing medical issue. Such severe injury is more likely to require specialization that costs more than $10,000.

For example, losing a limb is undoubtedly life-altering. So is the loss of your eyesight or hearing. Disfigurement is also considered a permanent injury.

Another example of a traumatic injury would be brain damage. The accident could leave you struggling to remember, analyze, or plan for the future.

You would then file a claim against the driver and not Uber. Why? Uber drivers are contract workers rather than employees.

What if the driver doesn’t carry enough insurance to cover your medical costs? In that situation, a standard policy held by Uber could come into play.

Uber’s Insurance Policy

Uber maintains $100,000 per accident coverage when one of its contract drivers has an accident while working but without a passenger.

Without a Passenger

For instance, let’s say an Uber driver was running late for their latest fare. In their haste, they missed a stop sign and ran into your vehicle. They were on duty but without a passenger.

So if your injuries are more significant than your insurance company will cover, Uber’s $100,000 insurance policy may make up the difference.

With a Passenger

But what if you’re a passenger in an Uber vehicle? Can you sue if your Uber crashes?

Your insurance policy would still be the first to pay for your medical services. But Uber’s insurance may cover the remaining expenses.

However, instead of $100,000 per accident coverage, there is a $1,000,000 arrangement in play when an Uber driver has an accident with a passenger in the car.

But you aren’t in line automatically to collect $1,000,000. An insurance company will only pay to cover documented medical needs, and rarely will they come close to $1,000,000.

When Your Damages Are Extraordinary

What if you feel the insurance companies are failing to recognize the long-term effects of your injuries? For example, you could be permanently unable to return to your old job.

To receive money beyond what’s provided by the driver’s insurance company, you would have to sue. Your personal injury lawyer can file a lawsuit against the driver.

How to Sue Uber for an Accident in Miami

Could your Miami lawyers also sue Uber? Yes, but under a narrow set of circumstances.

You can’t sue Uber simply because one of its drivers injured you. To sue successfully, you must have evidence proving that Uber was negligent when screening the driver as a contractor. In other words, there should be red flags about the driver that it’s reasonable to expect Uber to have caught.

Are You Prepared to Sue Uber for an Accident in Miami?

So, can you sue Uber for an accident in Miami? Yes, but don’t try to face the giant company and its army of insurance lawyers alone.

Instead, get someone on your side who knows how to sue Uber for an accident. Call us at Calil Law today so you can receive the payment necessary to put your life back on track.

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